Monday, June 1, 2009


Monday, June 1, 2009

Originally uploaded by parrotheadchic
I saw this shoe box in an antique store and just loved it. I wanted to bring it home, but the shoes were a size 6. I just love the idea that someone had written Fancy Sandals!

Life never slows down. I have been avoiding the computer lately and opting to knit, run, or cook. I got a call from my mother in law that Joe, Seth's brother is in the hospital and is very sick. It was such a shock as we spend the long holiday weekend with him.

Life is to precious not to wear your Fancy Sandals!


Brenda said...

Great to see a new post girl! I'm so sorry to hear your BIL isn't well. I hope he's out of the hospital and back home soon.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I hope Joe is fully recovered soon! You're right, we need to enjoy the fancy sandals and not save them!

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